The WWW II Stone Memorial Arch is in need of Repairs.
Donations have been received to be used towards the repairs.
Anyone wishing to donate towards this project are requested to click om the Go FUNDMe link or contact the Supervisors or the Township office.
Township Office: 814-967-3822 and leave a message.
Our speakers were SFC Kyle and SSG Ashley Benich, both township residents and members of the Army Guard.
They spoke about the roots and meaning of Memorial Day and how we can honor the memory of the fallen while offering assistance to current service members and veterans.
Approximately 20 people attended and enjoyed music from Ashley Mattis. Ray Crocker was the MC, Pastor Harry Zurasky of the New Richmond United Methodist Church gave the invocation and benediction.
A. M. Adkinson
Tracey M. Peters Agnew
John R. Alexander
Richard Alexander
Albert Allhiser
Harry Andrews
James Andrews
Peter Andrews
Steve Andrews
Denny Archer,
James Archer
James L Archer Jr.
Robert A. Baker
Isaac Baldwin
David Baldwin
Ashley Benich
Kyle Benich
Leonard Blackmer
Betty Jo Barnes
Irvin Bennett
Fredrick Bertram
A. M. Adkinson
Tracey M. Peters Agnew
John R. Alexander
Richard Alexander
Albert Allhiser
Harry Andrews
James Andrews
Peter Andrews
Steve Andrews
Denny Archer,
James Archer
James L Archer Jr.
Robert A. Baker
Isaac Baldwin
David Baldwin
Ashley Benich
Kyle Benich
Leonard Blackmer
Betty Jo Barnes
Irvin Bennett
Fredrick Bertram
John Bertram
Gerald Bidwell
James Lyle Bidwell
Ralph Lester Bidwell
Frank Boor
Pete Boor
Brett Boyer
Gene Boyer
Harold Boyer
Howard Boyer
Joseph Boyer
Kenny Boyer
Walden Boyer
Walter Boyer
Harold Boyle 'CHUM"
George Bradick
Robert R. Bradish
Prentice Bresee
Glenn Britton
Paul Britton
Robert Britton
Winifred Britton
Colby Bradley
Jeffrey Brooks
Homer Brown
Lewis Brown
Robert Brown
Rosce W. Brown
Allen Bryant
Fredrick D. Bryant
Jeffery L. Bryant
William Bull
John Burch
John Buri
Martin Buri
Michael Buri
John Burt
Arthur Caldwell
Roy F. Caler
Edward Campbell
Oscar Camberlin
John Cannon
Matthew J. Capron
Jack Carpenter
James Carpenter "Jim"
Riley Carpenter
William Carpenter
Caleb Carr
Edwin Carr
Hiram Carr
Ray Cass
Harmon Castile
James E. Castile
Kenneth Castile
Bonnie L. Catlin
Christopher J. Catlin
Ray Chandler
Aden Childs
Joseph O. Childs
Adam G. Clark
Jeremiah Clark
Silas Clark
Dean Cole
William Colfax
Paul Cook
Lyman Corey
Jamie Cornwell
Paul Cornwell Sr.
Thompson L. Couden
Fred Coulson
Welcome Crandall
Ray Crocker
Raymond Crum "Jake"
Arthur Culver
Gary Culver
Robert Dalton
Troop B. Danforth
Herman Daniels Jr.
Perry Darling
Earl Davenport
James D. Davidson
Abraham Decker
Christian DeFrancesco
Luigi DeFrancesco
Joseph Deitman L
Fayette Delamater
John S. Delamater
N. Brian Dempsey
Gretchen Doerr
Gary Drake
Clarence Dine "Dutch"
Shawn Drake
Alfred Duda
Edward Duda
John Duda
Tony Duda
Charles E. Dunlap
Reuben Ellis
Bradie Ervin
Lyle Ervin
Phillip Evans
Rebecca M. Ervin
James H. Farrar
Ellis M. Farrelly
Etta C. Farrelly
Kenneth Fisher
Robert Fisher
Arden Fitchner Dalton
Carl E. Fitch
Earl Fleek
Earl Flint
Frank Flint
Jack Flint
Loren Flint
Luke Flint
Delbert Fosburg
Hazel Fosburg
Robert Fosburg
Betty Jo Frazier
Bonnie Frazier Lynn
Francis Frazier Leroy
Sherman Frew
Phillip Galford
Cynthia Saulsgiver Garrett
Frank Gawlinski
Stanley L. Gawlinski
Carl F. Gayetty
Worlo Geer
Matthais G. Gleason
George Gray
James Green
Paul Gregg
Ernie Groger
Jacob Andrew Grove
James Andrw Grove
Joseph Grove
James Hall
Richard Hall
Arthur Hanold
Tim Hanold
William Hammond
Robert Harmon
Charles Harris
D.E. Harris
Jeffery Hayden
L. Thomas Hayden
Chauncy C. Hayes
Harry Headrick
Bri Hill
John Holcomb
Rex Holcomb
Robert Holcomb
Jonathon Hollabaugh
Robert Horton
Cornelius C. Hotchkiss
George HotchKiss
Howard I Hotchkiss
Charles Howard
Douglas Herky Howard
Douglas Hugh Howard
Thomas Charles Howard
William Howard
Hiram G. Hull
Howard Hull
Carl Humes
Fred Humes
Leslie Humes
Merle Humes
Richard D. Humes
David Hunt
Earnest J. Hunt
William H.Hunt
Leo Hutchinson
Gary James
Gary James R.
Robert M. James
Larry Johns
Amos A. Johnson
Ben Johnson
Richard Johnson
Edward Jones
Mary Jones
Seth Jones
Charles A. Jouver Jr.
Clarence Judd
Herbert Jump
Izaiah Kane
W.A Karnes
Charles Katulich
Michael Katulich
Rudolph Katulich
William Kelley
Charles Kennedy
James Kennedy
Richard Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Chad Kinnear
David Kirk
Edwin Kirk
Elton Kirk
Margaret M. Kirk
Theodore A. Kirk
Timothy Kirk
Dean Kline
Theodore M. Knapp
Theodore Merle Knapp
Elmer Kramer
Charles Laipple
Charles Lake
Dale Braden Lake
Thomas Lester "Jack"
Solomon Lester
John Lingo
Kevin Lippencott
Dale Livermore
Milton Livermore
Daniel Long Jr.
James O. Looker
Herbert Lucas "Boots"
Herbert E Lucas iii
Larry W Luce
Arthur Lynn Luzier
David Allen Luzier
Thomas J. Lyon
John Lyons
Lynn Maillard
Arnold Manninen
George Marovich
Peter W. Marovich
Clayton Marvin
Raymond Marvin
Thomas Calvin Mattison
Caleb Samuel McAdams
Andrew J. McFadden
William McFadden
William F. McNamara
Charles B. McQueens
Charles Metzler
Charles Meyers
Mendal Meyers
Orein Williard Miller
Nick Mitrich
Peter Mitrich
Victor Mitcham
Edward Morgan
Thomas Morgan
George Morse
Frank Morris
William Morrone
Kayla Morton
Peter Muckinhaupt
John Mulidoro "Jack"
Hugh Dale Mumford
Robert C. Muth
Charles Myers
David Myers
Donald M. Myers
Ethan C. Myers
Miles N. Nale
Albert WM O’Bagy Sr.
Albert WM O’Bagy Jr.
Donald Obert
Meridith Orr
Morrison Orr
Ralph Orr
Adam Pafics
Anthony Patchelumas
John Pearl
Douglas M. Peters
Earl J. Peters
Otis Plaw
Orrin Polley
Ernest Pond
Leon O. Pond
Marion Pond
May Pond
Frank Popovich
George Popovich
William R. Porter
William Porter
Robert D. Potts
Adam Prenett
Robert J. Potts
Robert Proper
William Pusz
Sidney Rath
Daniel C. Resinger
James L. Resinger
Thomas A. Resinger
Robert Reynolds
Paul Richardson
William Richardson
Frank Ellsworth Rodgers
Rosco Root
Chancey M. Rumsey
Charles Rupert
John Rushlanders
Earl Saeger
Gene Saeger
Gerald Saeger
Lloyd Saeger
Robert Saeger
John Sanderson
George Saulsgiver Jr.
George Saulsgiver Sr.
Isaac Sayer
James Sayer
Conrad Schere
Frank Schiller
Duane Schreffler
Thomas Schreffler
Gary Scott
Peggy A. Scott
Timothy P. Scott
Charles Sech
Matthew Sech
Robert Sech
Stanley Sech
William Sech
Anthony Setta "Tony"
Joseph Setta
Lewis Setta
Wesley C. Shade
Anthony Sharpe
Richard A. Sharpe
Dennis J Shaw "DJ"
Clyde Sheeler
Melvin Sheeler
Cecil Sheets
Douglas Sheets
Ernest Sheets
James Sheets
Gordon Sherman
Billy Shoemaker
John Shorts
Thomas Shorts
William Shorts
William R Shorts "Rick"
Gerald Shreffler
William Slagle "Bill"
Emily Sleeth
Albert K. Smith
Dorothy Danforth Smith
Junior H. Smith
Kirth Smith
Paul Smith
Ralph M. Smith
Richard W. Smith
Kenneth L. Smock
Matthew P. Snow
James Spanogle Sr.
Sam Spencer
Anthony Sposkoski "Walter"
Harold Stanford
Howard Stanford
Janice Stanford
Ronald Stanford
Emerson Sterling
David H. Stewart
Hugh Stewart
Jeffrey Stokes
Joseph Stokes "Joe"
Donald Stover
Justin W. Stover
Robert L Swanson"Bob"
Andrew Swartout
Jason Swartout
Carrie Spencer Szermeta
Don F. Stuart
Eugene Szymkiewicz
H. Eugene Tanner
William I. Taylor
Marshal Terril
Roy Terwilliger
Michael Thiess
Charles Thompson "Chuck"
Lawrence Thurston
Robert Thurston
John Earl Tomer
Paul Eugene Tomer
Robert Townley
Robert Townley Jr.
Authur Eugene Troutner
Charles Norman Troutner
Clarence Edward Troutner
Paul C. Troutner
Paul Roland Troutner
Ray Vancise
John W Vicker Jr.
George Vukovich "Babe"
Merrill A. Wade
Donald G. Waid
Fredrick Waid
Gordon F. Waid
Joseph Waid
Kenneth Waid
Wayne Waid
William Waid
Bryon Walker
Wallace Walker
Earl Wanker
William Ward
Abram Warner
George Weatherbee
Joseph Weber
James Weed
Frank Weingard
Ray Wetsell
John White
Newell E. White
Albert M. Whitlatch
Clyde Wilcox
Francis Wilcox
George Wilcox
Terry Wilcox
Bryan D. Wiley
Melvin W Wiley "Skeet"
Arlo WilLey
Daniel Wille "Danny"
John Willey
Josiah Willey
Elmer Willis
Daniel F. Wilson
Jacob Wilson
David Winans
Jason Winans
Samuel Winans
Thomas S. Wise
John Wood
Robert W. Woolstrum
James D. Worley
James R. Worley
Robert Worley
Cecil Wycoff
Elton Wycoff
Eugene Wycoff
Lawrence Wycoff
Robert Wycoff
W.L. Wycoff
John Yarosh
Kolineck Yarosh
Nicholas Yarosh
Ted Yarosh
Wasel Yarosh
Charles Yurisic
Frank Zebasky
The Veterans Downloadable PD Version
Richmond Twp Veterans List 062324 (pdf)
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The information is provided by Richmond Township and while we endeavor to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or accuracy of the information.
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